Customer Facilitation Helpline: 1218
The widely used method is the PTCL helpline 1218, which can also be dialed from mobile number to lodge services related complaint. A Customer Care Representatives will facilitate you to file your complaint, or alternatively you can take the ‘Automatic’ route and lodge your complaint by selecting options from the menu (Menu Driven system).
Once the complained is registered, an automated followup is made on the next and subsequent 1 to 2 days about your complaint status through the number you used to register the complaint and also through the mobile number (if any) provided. These followups apparently happen automatically with “them” doing nothing except hoping that the issue would have got resolved by now, automatically.
If the followup is responded negatively for 3-4 times, its time you get an actual followup by a representative asking about the problem AGAIN which will hopefully lead to a line-man’s visit or to an actual solution.
- For Broadband and IPTV complaints, talk to the operator as, in most case, they are able to resolve the issue on the call by checking setting at their end, or if the problem is at the consumer end they will require your assistance to troubleshoot it. Its fairly easy and you must fully cooperate with them as this is your fastest way to the solution. If the operator is not able to resolve the problem, your complaint will be registered.
- For phone line complaints, it is recommended to use the automatic system as it is faster to register the complaint and carries the same weight/affect as registering complinet with the help of operator.