
Haram Edibles in Pakistani Food Market

A senior government official February revealed shocking fact that nearly 67% of imported edible items available in Pakistani markets contain Haram ingredients.

Mian Aijaz, the Additional Secretary of Ministry of Science and Technology revealed a list of 23 items before the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Monday 23 February.

According to the report, 67% of imported food items contain haram elements (forbidden in our religion).

These haram items include, chips, yogurt, pizza, chicken, noodles, soups, jellies and pasta and confectioneries.

Pakistan is importing these items from different countries including Holland, Spain, USA, UK, Denmark, France, Indonesia for last several years. In addition, people are compelled to eat those items since there is no authority in the country to ensure implementation of Halal standards.

The committee called for ban on sale of Haram items, and convened a meeting of relevant federal and provincial authorities on Thursday to discuss the issue.

Haram Ingredients:

The items contain ingredients like white and red wine, gelatin and E120 (an animal based food color).

On the other hand, some of the food items contain haram chicken, slaughtered through “Stunning mechanism” which a prohibited method in Islam.

Similarly, there are some doubts on some elements, due to lack of proper source or traceability to ascertain the Halal status.

Here is a list of Haram items presented to the Standing Committee of National Assembly

The products are:

  • Two brands of Chicken Tonight (imported from Holland)
  • Bubblicious (UK)
  • Chupa Bubble (Holland)
  • Pascual Yogikids (Spain)
  • Three brands of Skittle Fruit (UK)
  • Picnic Chicken (USA)
  • Slima Soup (UK)
  • Knorr Chicken Soup (France)
  • Cup A Soup (UK)
  • Tulip Chicken (Denmark)
  • Rice Chicken Broccoli (USA)
  • Pasta Chicken Broccoli (USA)
  • Pasta Creamy Chicken (US)
  • Heinz Dinner Chicken (England)
  • Jell-O (US)
  • Pop Tarts (USA)

The ministry has no mandate to stop sale of these Haram edibles in consumer market and there is no one to ready to take responsibility for the sale of Haram edibles in food items.


We hardly know how government has allowed the sale and purchase of Haram items in our country, but now it is high time to ensure the sale of Halal items and prohibit the Haram food edibles in the consumer market.


    • Ministry of Science and Technology, Pakistan has declared 23 food products as Haraam. Most of these food products are the imports from Non Muslim states. Please avoid imported noodles, pasta and other food products.

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